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Narative Text

Sandi.Info | 21.36 | 0 komentar


            A long time ago, in a small village there was a farmer. He was very fine and friendly. HE lived alone, he lived in a small hut. And he had a small rice field.
One day, the farmer needed the water for his rice field. But forms 3 weeks ago until now, the rain were not came. So, his rice field was dry. The farmer was very sad, he hoped the rain will came.
Every day he always searches the water, but he can’t find. He went to other village for beg the water, but the other village was same with his village.
One day, he went to the rain controller. He asked to rain controller for help him, so the rain come to his village. But the rain controller gave some requirements, the first is the farmer must pay for that  and the second he must wait for 3 weeks.
And than he back to his village. He always waits the rain. But in 3 weeks the rain didn't come.
The farmer was angry because the rain controller lied him.
Finally the farmer was hand over and submitted his problem to his God . He hope the rain will come to his village And he pray to his God . In 2 weeks after he pray to Allah, finally the rain was came and his rice field become to fertile. And the farmer was very happy. 

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Sandi-Info: My name is Sandi . I'm administrator of

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